This year, agrarians of the Ivano-Frankivsk region allocated 800 hectares less than last year for spring wheat cultivation.
This year, Carpathian farmers allocated 800 hectares less for spring wheat cultivation than in 2018.
In the Gorodenkovsky and Rogatinsky districts of the region, spring grain crops were sown as early as March, which was a month earlier than last year. It is encouraging that a large amount of moisture has been preserved in the soil.
The number of cultivated areas of the Ivano-Frankivsk region under spring wheat is projected at 7,932 ha, which is 800 ha less than last year. Barley is predicted to be sown on 16,184 ha (in 2018 - 20,242 ha).
Sown areas for oats this year will be 400 hectares less than last year. 470 ha are sown with peas (3121 ha in 2018). Together with such late crops as soy, corn, sugar beets and sunflowers, sown areas will amount to 225 thousand hectares.
Not too large areas of farmland in this part of the Carpathians are a significant reason for the annual change in the structure of crops, in particular, winter crops. So, the wedge of winter wheat for the 2019 harvest in the region decreased by almost 10 thousand hectares to 53 thousand.The area under barley increased by 3 thousand ha to - 11 thousand ha. 500 hectares more were allocated for growing rye - up to 3100 hectares. Almost 28 thousand hectares were allocated for winter rape, which is 10 thousand hectares more than in the previous season.
Another reason is the vagaries of the weather. The second part of the summer of 2018 in the region was generous in rains, which negatively affected the yield and grain class. Because of the weather, the grain crumbled and blackened on the fields.The farmers harvested a large crop, as for the Carpathians. It amounted to 800 thousand tons. But at the same time, the quality of grain was lost and additional funds were required for drying.