Our ancestors believed that with the help of hazel, you can become immortal, since it gives people a supernatural gift. Today, this plant is also very popular and is famous for its beneficial properties. In folk medicine, it is widely used. The rest of the article will focus on hazel and hazelnut leaves and how they can be used in the treatment of various diseases.
Leaf description
First you need to figure out what hazel and hazelnut are. Plants belong to the Birch family. Hazelnuts are shrubs bred artificially as a result of crossbreeding of individual varieties of hazel, which grows in the wild. Therefore, these plants can safely be called one culture.
Did you know? The ancient Greek physician Dioscorides determined that hazelnut has the ability to warm. Add the crushed fruits of hazel to the food or drink and you will immediately become warm.
On the territory of our country there are different types of this culture. Common hazel can be attributed to the most famous. Leaves of the above type of hazel blossom in early spring. In the northern regions of Russia, this process begins in May. The shape is oval with a sharp tip at the apex. Their length reaches 12 cm and a width of 9 cm. At the edges they have small sharp teeth. The base is symmetrical and narrow heart-shaped.
On the front side, the color is dark green matte, from the bottom a couple of tones lighter. Shrubs tolerate non-sunny areas. A feature of the leaves is that with poor access to light, they are arranged horizontally so as not to create a shadow for the plant.
Useful and healing properties
Hazel and hazelnuts have almost the same amount of nutrients and vitamins. But the fruits of shrubs that grow in the wild are considered more useful, as they are found in natural forest conditions.
The leaves of the plant are no less useful. They include such components:
- essential oil;
- glycoside;
- vitamin C;
- myricitroside;
- tannin;
- palmitic acid.
- Hazel has the following medicinal properties:
- antipyretic;
- antidiarrheal;
- healing;
- vasodilator;
- disinfectant.
As a result of the proper use of hazel and hazelnut leaves, you can:
- increase immunity (compensate for the lack of vitamins);
- normalize bowel function (unstable stool, lack of appetite and flatulence);
- cure anemia, hepatitis, prostate adenoma, atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases.
The fruits of this culture do not contain gluten. That is why its nuts are useful for people suffering from intolerance to this component (celiac disease).
The use of this plant in the treatment has its contraindications. For example, use hazel or hazelnut leaves if you are hypertensive forbidden. Decoctions and tinctures with such a component increase pressure.
Did you know? The leader in the production of hazelnuts (70% of the total in the world) is Turkey. In other countries, this indicator is: in the USA — 5%, Georgia — 4%, Italy — 17%.
It is also worth noting that the use of shrubs has the following contraindications:
- liver disease
- diathesis;
- gall bladder problems;
- diabetes and others
The use of nut kernels can aggravate the skin condition of people with psoriasis.
Hazel leaf recipes
For traditional healers, this plant is very valuable. For many years, prescription drugs have passed from generation to generation.
Important! Do not buy ready-made hazel leaves for the preparation of medicines, as they may be collected in the wrong conditions. Prepare the ingredient yourself, then the treatment will be effective.
The following article presents the most common healing broths and tinctures:
- Tonic, immunity enhancing tea. Leaves of culture are poured with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, after which the drink is ready for consumption. It is best to take such tea with honey, jam or jam.
- Juice for the treatment of anemia. First you need to collect young leaves from the bush of the plant. This ingredient is finely chopped with a knife or blender, and then carefully wrung out. Take juice should be three times a day, 30 ml. Traditional healers are advised to take a drink with honey (1 tsp.).
- Decoction of cardiovascular disease. In the treatment of this ailment, hazel is very useful. The only negative is the long course of taking the broth, which is 3 months. To cook it, you need to dry the chopped leaves. As a result, you get a dry powder, which will need to be poured with boiling water (1 tbsp. L. Powder in 250 ml of water). The solution should be kept for about 15 minutes in a water bath. After this, the broth should be infused for 50-60 minutes. It should be taken in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before eating 50 ml.
- Tincture for prostate adenoma. In order to prepare the medicine, you need to prepare crushed bark plants (10 tablespoons) and dried leaves (5 tablespoons). You need to collect ingredients from the bushes during the period of active sap flow. The above dry mixture must be poured with boiled water (250 ml) and kept on low heat for about five minutes, after which the broth should infuse and cool. Take the medicine for three months 2 times a day, 100 ml each.
- Hepatitis tincture. In this case, fresh, young leaves are used. The ingredient must be crushed in a blender, and the resulting mixture should be placed in a glass container. Porridge should be poured with white dry wine (in the same proportion). A container with tincture should be stored in a cool place for a week and mixed daily. After that, carefully drain. Take the medicine 1 month three times a day, 100 ml each.
Hazel (hazelnut) is an amazing plant, the usefulness of which is probably not yet fully disclosed. The availability of the product and the ease in preparing various medicinal decoctions and tinctures allows you to use it for absolutely everyone. And the result of improving your health will not be long in coming.