On the territory of the island of Crete, which is part of Greece, operates a unique production complex. Powered by solar energy, the plant recycles waste from local restaurants and hotels into feed for farm animals.
In other words, restaurant delicacies that guests of the restaurant have not finished eating turn into a nutritious menu for pigs and cows as a result of processing.
It is noteworthy that this project, which is called "Life for Life", was supported by experts from the EU government. At the moment, the fourth month of the experimental work of a unique plant is ending.
And over the past few weeks, the initiators of the program processed food waste from agricultural hotels in Crete immediately into agricultural feed.
During the pilot period, the organizers took into account that the technology of drying organic waste, which shortens the complete production cycle of feed from ten days to six days, greatly simplifies the process.
Now the company processes every day up to one and a half thousand tons of organic waste that comes from hotels and restaurants in special refrigerator cars.
It is important to add that the first step in disinfecting waste is freezing. The second step is sorting, followed by grinding. The final stage of disinfection and preparation of feed is drying. After this, the product is sent to livestock feeders.